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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find out what my WCB Number is?
When would be EAPG Applicable?
Ambulatory surgery bills with in NY state
I received a notice from NYSIF with a new address for mailing claims/bills. Do I use this for all of my claims/bills, even if most of my bills used to go to an address near our office?
How do I check on a bill status or a billing issue?
How can I get a (digital) copy of an EOB/EOR, which was sent to me on paper?
I mailed my claim/bill a long time ago and haven’t heard back from NYSIF. What do I do?
I cannot find my claim/bill on NYSIF, what do I do?
I cannot get into the old Medical Inquiry or EOB pages at NYSIF.com
The letter from NYSIF does not give new telephone numbers; who do I call now when I have questions about my bills?
I cannot find the letter that was sent to me by NYSIF that had the new billing address and had other information about the new NYSIF payment process. Where can I get another copy?
I receive reimbursement for mileage when I go to see my doctor. Do I have to send my request for reimbursement to the address in Albany?
Can I submit a bill that references ICD9 and ICD10 codes?
Rejections :- Billing Provider is not on file or Treating Provider is not a member of the Billing Provider
How do I find out what my WCB Number is?