- Select Account Type.
- Enter name of primary user.
- Enter all other primary user information requested on screen.
- Select Register.
- You will see a Confirmation Message:
Thank you. Your registration has been submitted and confirmation link has been sent to your contact email.
- Check your e-mail for an e-mail regarding your registration.
- The e-mail will indicate:
Your account request has been granted.
Please click here to complete your account setup.
- Click as indicated and you will be brought to the Create Account screen
- Create a UserName and Password; enter the password twise.The password should be a combination of letters and numbers or characters.
- Submit your User Name and Password and you will be brought to the Sign In Screen.
- Sign in using your new User Name and Password and you will be brought to a Passcode Delivered screen indicating that a Passcode has been sent to your e-mail address. The passcode process is only required upon initial registration and occasionally for security purposes.
- Retrieve the Passcode from your e-mail and click I have a code, continue to Sign In to sign in to NYSIF ClaimCentral.
- Input your Password and Security Passcode and click Sign In.
- You will be brought to the New Bill screen.
- You are now ready for Entering New Bills or Registering Secondary.